ما رأيك في بدء عمل تجاري جديد؟ ولكن مهلًا الأمر ليس بتلك السهولة! فهناك أشياء لا حصر لها يجب مراعاتها ،بدايةً من تحديد أفكارك وخطط التنفيذ مرورًا بالعثور على مستثمرين…
Date Archives May 2023
The Essential Guide to Finance for Strategic Managers
Finance is a critical component of strategic management. As a strategic manager, it’s essential to have a strong understanding of finance to make informed decisions that positively impact your organization’s…
4 tips to write an Exceptional business model!
Starting a business can be an exhilarating experience, but it can also be overwhelming. There are countless things to consider, from hiring employees to finding investors, but one of the…